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If you are looking for a diaper caddy that can be used with both cloth and disposable diapers, then I have found the perfect one. The Sweet Potato Echo Diaper Stackers & Caddies is made out of 100 percent organic cotton fabric which makes it so durable that even after years of use, this diaper caddy will still look brand new. This unit also comes in four unique color choices: mint green, navy blue, red and brown.

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Features of Sweet Potato Echo

Reviews & Ratings of Sweet Potato Echo

Our Rating: 4.7 Out of 5 Stars

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The Sweet Potato Echo is a classic diaper stacker, but it also comes with two side caddies to make your life much easier. It was designed for refilling and keeping up the cleanliness of cloth diapers in one compact place on the go.
I found 21 customer reviews at the time of writing and they had awarded this product 4.7 stars out of 5 on average


The Sweet Potato Echo is a versatile diaper stacker which can be paired with a variety of caddies to fit your changing needs. This product is made out of safe and non-toxic materials, it has a soft padded grip on the silicone handle, and also includes an additional flap at the bottom for quick diaper changes. The foam tray inside this dispenser makes items easier to find when in need as well as further isolating odors from escaping into air.

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About the Author

Simon Jameson

Simon Jameson is an expert reviewer at diaperingworld.com and has been with us since 2017. Trust his reviews as he is also a regular user of all products that he reviews.

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