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The Skip Hop Baby Changing Pad, Nursery Style is a standard in the diaper changing industry and it’s easy to see why. As parents we have so many concerns when our child starts growing up and this product helps alleviate some of those worries by providing you with peace of mind that your young one’s little bottom will be safe from spills. This pad is perfect for boys or girls – as well as grown-ups who want to keep their clothing free from embarrassing stains!

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Features of Skip Hop Baby Changing Pad, Nursery Style

1. Wipeable Changing Pad
2. Cushioned Foam & Non-Skid Base
3. Toy Bar with Baby-Safe Mirror & Safety Belt
4. Tuck-away Mirror & Safety Belt
5. Contoured, cushioned Foam

1. Wipeable Changing Pad

Changing pads can get messy and gross quickly, but the Skip Hop Baby Changing Pad is designed to keep things nice and clean. Simply wipe down with a damp cloth when you’re done changing your child’s diaper or wiping their hands after feeding time.

2. Cushioned Foam & Non-Skid Base

This changing pad is designed to keep your baby safe and sound while you’re out on the go. It has a non-skid base for safety, 2 layers of padding in foam for comfort and universal design so it can be used as either a changing table or crib mattress.

3. Toy Bar with Baby-Safe Mirror & Safety Belt

With a toy bar that includes an attached mirror, this changing pad is perfect for keeping your child safe during diaper changes. The safety belt helps ensure the baby doesn’t slip from their perch while they’re getting changed and can also be used to secure them safely in place when you need to do something with their hands such as opening jars or putting on clothing.

4. Tuck-away Mirror & Safety Belt

A lot of people buy baby changing tables to put their toddlers on when they need to change them, but this Skip Hop Baby Changing Pad Nursery Style is a little bit different. This features four sides for the comfort and safety of your toddler as well as a built-in mirror that reflects exactly who you are talking to no matter how far away from it you may be. It also has an extra-long safety belt so that your child can’t fall off, even if he or she tries their best!

5. Contoured, cushioned Foam

Skip Hop is well-known for their high quality products, and these baby changing pads are no exception. The padded top surface provides extra cushioning to protect your child’s delicate skin from any potential bumps or bruises that may occur when you’re taking care of them in bed over the course of a day. It also has a contouring design which allows it to fit perfectly on just about any crib mattress size.

Reviews & Ratings of Skip Hop Baby Changing Pad, Nursery Style

Our Rating: 4.7 Out of 5 Stars

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The Skip Hop Baby Changing Pad is an affordable, but not cheap option for changing pad. It has a clean and modern look that will fit in with any nursery decor. Its plastic makes it easy to wipe down so you can keep your little one’s bed fresh and clean at all times.
I found 9 customer reviews on Amazon when I wrote this post which have awarded the Skip Hop Baby Changing Pad 4.7 stars out of possible 5 on average – meaning many people are highly recommending them!
One reviewer said, “It took less than 10 minutes to set up…it was easier then putting together my daughter’s crib” while another person stated:
“A great purchase … I love how soft the mattress feels against her back.” In terms of negatives there were some complaints about durability due to its surface being made from hard plastic rather than cloth (and therefore more easily damaged) or that it might get dirty quickly where others had said they had no problems at all with getting stains out as long as they wiped down after use every time!.


This is a great changing pad for parents who are just starting out on their journey to parenthood. It’s easy to clean and doesn’t take up much room in your diaper bag, so it’ll be perfect when you’re traveling or shopping with baby. The Skip Hop Baby Changing Pad can also be used as a playmat by babies over six months old.,

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you need a cover for Skip Hop changing pad?

A: No, you do not need a cover for the Skip Hop changing pad.

How do you clean a Skip Hop changing mat?

A: To clean a Skip Hop changing mat, you should use a damp cloth and mild soap. You can also use a solution of 1 part vinegar to 2 parts water.

How do I remove mobile from Skip Hop changing pad?

A: To remove the mobile from the Skip Hop changing pad, you will need to take off the cover of the changing pad. Once you do this, you can then remove the mobile by pulling it out.

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About the Author

Simon Jameson

Simon Jameson is an expert reviewer at diaperingworld.com and has been with us since 2017. Trust his reviews as he is also a regular user of all products that he reviews.

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