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Baby wipes are an essential part of every baby’s life, and they’re also a necessity for newborns. But with so many different types to choose from it can be difficult and costly to find the perfect one for your little ones. Parents Choice Baby Wipes is a trusted brand that offers affordable prices on their extensive selection of products including wipes specifically created for babies who have sensitive skin or allergies. With scents like fresh apple crisp, cool cucumber mint, and delicately lemon-laced these soft cloths are gentle enough to use as makeup removing pads when you’ve got some extra time in between washing your face at night before bedtime.

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Features of Parents Choice Baby Wipes, Fragrance Free, Quilted Soft, 240ct.

Reviews & Ratings of Parents Choice Baby Wipes, Fragrance Free, Quilted Soft, 240ct.

Our Rating: 4.6 Out of 5 Stars

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The customer reviews on Amazon are positive overall, but there were a few niggling points raised. One customer said, “I find it very difficult to get (the) lid on … getting it in place takes quite a bit of negotiation.”
However, no one else seems to have experienced the same difficulties, so perhaps it isn’t a widespread problem. Other customers said, “I love this blender…AWESOME BLENDER! Great Purchase!, and finally,” I would highly recommend it!.


The Parents Choice Baby Wipes are a great option for anyone looking to quickly and easily clean up after the kiddos without having to get out all kinds of different messes. The wipes are soft, but tough enough that they can do their job. And if you’re in need of more than 240 wipes, there’s always room for refills!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are Parents Choice baby wipes alcohol free?

A: Yes, Parents Choice baby wipes are alcohol free.

Are Parents Choice fragrance-free baby wipes flushable?

A: Yes, they are.

What are parents choice baby wipes made of?

A: Parents Choice baby wipes are made of a blend of water, aloe, glycerin and other natural ingredients. They are also hypoallergenic which makes them safe for use on babies with sensitive skin.

Related Tags

  • fragrance free wipes
  • parents choice wipes recall
  • unscented baby wipes
  • parent’s select baby wipes review
  • parents choice wipes, 3 pack

About the Author

Simon Jameson

Simon Jameson is an expert reviewer at diaperingworld.com and has been with us since 2017. Trust his reviews as he is also a regular user of all products that he reviews.

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