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The Buttons Diaper Pail Liner is a great way to keep your house smelling fresh and clean with its antimicrobial properties. I have been using the Buttons for about 2 months now, so you can see this review as more of a personal experience than just an informational one.
Features of Buttons Diaper Pail Liner
Reviews & Ratings of Buttons Diaper Pail Liner
Our Rating: 5.0 Out of 5 Stars
The Buttons Diaper Pail Liner is a flexible, washable diaper pail liner that fits snugly into any standard-sized diaper pails. The versatile design allows the use of both sides for your convenience.
I found 10 customer reviews at the time of writing and they had awarded it 5 stars out of a possible 5 on average
The Buttons Diaper Pail Liner is a simple, easy to use and affordable way of keeping your baby’s diapers free from odour. The liner has the ability to hold up to 14 garbage bags in its one convenient place. It also includes two hooks for hanging it on the back wall which keeps it out of reach when not in use\.
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