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Looking for a reusable cloth diaper nappy? Look no further than the AIO Reusable Washable Cloth Diaper Nappy Charcoal Bamboo Insert Overnight. This is my family’s second one, and we love it! Our first was an all-in-one cover with a disposable bamboo insert made by another company; they were great until our daughter outgrew them at around 18 months old. At that point she had two separate inserts – one made of natural fibers and the other synthetic – but I found that things got messy fast because of how absorbent they are without any extra layers over them to soak up liquid messes.

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Features of AIO Reusable Washable Cloth Diaper Nappy Charcoal Bamboo Insert Overnight

Reviews & Ratings of AIO Reusable Washable Cloth Diaper Nappy Charcoal Bamboo Insert Overnight

Our Rating: 4.3 Out of 5 Stars

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The AIO Reusable Washable Cloth Diaper Nappy Charcoal Bamboo Insert Overnight is a cloth diaper cover that can be used as an overnight nappy for your baby. The material is made from organic bamboo and charcoal, which are said to absorb moisture better than traditional materials. This product has received reviews on Amazon with 4.3 stars out of 5 overall and the customer ratings have been able to reflect this high level of quality, while also reflecting positively on some small issues such as “the leg elastic could use improvement” or “there may not be enough room in the pocket if you want it folded up all around” but none of them seem significant enough to put me off buying this product
It seems like these scores were achieved by focusing more heavily on positives than negatives, so I think that balancing between both would make my decision even easier!


In summary, the AIO Reusable Washable Cloth Diaper Nappy does have some disadvantages; it is more expensive than disposable diapers and requires regular washing. However there are also a lot of positives to this product: It’s environmentally friendly, provides soft and absorbent comfort for your baby, lasts until your child potty trains themselves (even if later they decide they don’t want them), helps with diaper rash & infection prevention as well as saving money in the long run by lowering costs on laundry detergent & toilet paper soaps.

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About the Author

Simon Jameson

Simon Jameson is an expert reviewer at diaperingworld.com and has been with us since 2017. Trust his reviews as he is also a regular user of all products that he reviews.

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